Magic use of Wells and Communicating with Gigantic Spiritual Beings
There are many methods for trying to access information via magical means. In this post, I'll be sharing two interesting ways of getting in communication with gigantic spiritual entities by use of water wells! This is something I have so far not found in any of my research and studies thus far.
Both follow the same set of concepts: 1. A well of water 2. The placing of a piece of pottery with magical names and sigils into it while no one else is around. 3. The appearance of seven giant "spiritual entities" that will answer your questions. The only main difference (besides for what exactly is to be written on the pottery is that the second segment can only be done at night. What or who these seven giants are is not explained.
Both operations are found together on the same page of the manuscript. The entire manuscript, from the Moussaief Collection ms. #1222, has been digitally scanned and available here:
In addition to translating each segment below, I also typed the names in an enhanced image of each part to make it easier to read.